What is a wet dream?
A wet dream: it is a sexual phenomenon that occurs in many pubescent youngsters and is more than once the reason for giggling and whispering. But what is a wet dream actually? And does every boy get a wet dream?
In this article we delve deeper into the world of wet dreams for you and provide answers to the most frequently asked questions surrounding this taboo subject.

Does every boy have a wet dream?
Let's get straight to the point: no, not every boy gets a wet dream. However, a wet dream is a fairly common phenomenon among teenage boys.
A wet dream occurs mainly during puberty. The phase in which the body of boys undergoes a lot of hormonal changes. You become a man instead of a boy.
A wet dream is actually the result of an uncontrollable sexual arousal during sleep, which is often accompanied by an associated ejaculation. It is therefore the ejaculation by which most boys recognize their wet dream.
At what age do most boys have a wet dream?
The age at which boys experience their first sexual dream varies greatly. Usually, a boy will have his first wet dream sometime during puberty, so around the age of 12 to 16.
However, when you start puberty depends on several individual factors such as your genetics, lifestyle, and hormonal levels.
How often do you have a wet dream?
The frequency of a wet dream varies greatly from boy to boy. Some people may experience such a sexual dream regularly, while others may only experience it once. It is important to note that it is completely normal to have a wet dream every now and then and it is absolutely not an indication of your sexual health. Having many wet dreams does not mean that you can perform better sexually.
Wet dreams are actually a natural and perfectly healthy way for our bodies to get rid of excess semen build up. Although it is often associated with sexually suggestive and spicy dreams, wet dreams can also occur without any explicit sexual moments in the dream. This is something that not many people know.
In short, wet dreams are an important part of most boys' journey to adulthood and exploring sexual possibilities. Wet dreams are normal, 100% healthy, and nothing to worry about or be ashamed of.
However, if you do have any concerns or questions about your sexual health, don’t hesitate to talk to someone about it. Because talking helps. And remember: wet dreams are a natural part of growing up and are an important step towards becoming an adult!