Many well-known erection pills contain the active ingredient sildenafil. This includes Viagra and Kamagra. Sildenafil is a chemical substance that was originally developed as a medicine for heart problems. However, the substance had a powerful side effect: it stimulates blood flow to the penis. For this reason, sildenafil is now the main ingredient in many erection pills. The substance is often prescribed to men who suffer from erection problems.
Erection pills with sildenafil ensure that the blood vessels in your body relax. As a result, the blood also flows easily to the penis. If you normally experience erection problems, this can help to get or maintain an erection. The substance sildenafil can be very effective, and is therefore also prescribed in the Netherlands to men with erection problems. However, it is also important that you are aware of possible side effects, because unfortunately they also exist. Due to contraindications and the chance of side effects, erection pills with sildenafil are not suitable for everyone.
Would you rather not use erection pills with sildenafil? For example, because you do not have a doctor's prescription, experience side effects or simply do not want to take any risks? Then Mr. Stiff can be a solution. Our erection pills do not contain chemical substances such as Sildenafil, but are made from natural herbal extracts. They stimulate the natural processes of your body and do not have a forced effect. With our natural erection pills you do not have to worry about unpleasant side effects.
How do sildenafil erection pills work?
At Mr. Stiff, we believe it is important that you are well informed before you start anything. We would therefore like to explain to you exactly how sildenafil works. It was initially intended as a medicine for people with heart problems. Sildenafil inhibits the enzyme PDE5, which helps to constrict the blood vessels. This results in better blood circulation. It was soon discovered that sildenafil had a strong side effect, namely a harder and longer erection. This has ensured that the drug is now used as a medicine for erectile dysfunction.
Erection pills with sildenafil usually work within 30 to 60 minutes after taking them. The effect can last for several hours. You do not get a spontaneous erection from the drug and you do not get aroused just like that. The drug only has an effect when you get aroused. Examples of pills with sildenafil as the active ingredient are Kamagra and Viagra.
What are the side effects and risks of sildenafil?
It has been proven that erection pills with Sildenafil are effective. Nevertheless, it is also important to know the possible side effects and risks. It is not without reason that Sildenafil is only available on prescription in the Netherlands for people with erection problems. Common side effects include headaches, a stuffy nose, stomach complaints and blushing. In some cases, the drug can also lead to blurred vision or even palpitations. The drug should therefore not be used in combination with medications that are prescribed for heart problems.
The side effects of erection pills with sildenafil are so unpleasant for some people that they actually hinder sexual activities. If you have a bad headache or stomach problems, this can of course be at the expense of a romantic evening. In addition, it is good to know that it is strongly discouraged to combine sildenafil and alcohol. This can also be dangerous.
Finally, sildenafil is only available on prescription, as indicated above. Do you only have mild erectile dysfunction and your GP does not want to prescribe the drug? Or do you simply want to have a nice evening? Then you are often dependent on online websites that offer the drug illegally. You never know exactly what you are getting, and that of course entails additional risks.
Natural erection pills as an alternative to sildenafil
Erection pills with sildenafil are a solution for many men with serious erection problems. However, it is a medicine and therefore less suitable for recreational use. And even men with erection problems are not always fans of the drug, because of the risk of side effects. Do you want a natural alternative? Then we at Mr. Stiff may have the perfect solution for you! Our erection pills are completely natural and help your body with what it can already do. Mr. Stiff works subtly and the effect does not feel forced, but at the same time our products are very effective. This makes you feel nice and relaxed and you can have a good time!
An important advantage of natural erection pills is that they are gentle on the body, so you don't have to worry about side effects. Our erection pills do not contain any chemicals, but natural herbal extracts that are known for stimulating blood flow and libido-enhancing properties. Examples of ingredients we use are maca, ginseng and rhodiola. Our pills are based on traditional Chinese medicine.
How do Mr. Stiff erection pills work?
Are you looking for a natural alternative to sildenafil erection pills and would you like to try Mr. Stiff? Then we would like to tell you in detail about the effects of our product! Our erection pills work within 30 to 60 minutes after taking them. They increase your energy level and support the natural processes of your body to improve your sexual performance. For example, they can increase your libido and stimulate blood flow, making it easier to get and maintain an erection. The effect is subtle and effective. So you do not have to be afraid of a sudden erection, but if you get aroused it is easier to get and maintain an erection.
In addition, our products have another advantage over erection pills with sildenafil. They can be safely combined with alcohol, while the combination of sildenafil and alcohol is strongly discouraged. With our natural pills, you can easily drink an alcoholic drink during a romantic dinner. Moreover, the natural ingredients are suitable for a sustainable solution. You can easily use the pills more often, provided you stick to the recommended dosage.
Order legally and safely
Erection pills with sildenafil are only legally available on prescription. However, our natural erection pills can be ordered completely legally online without a prescription. Ordering in our webshop is very easy and also very discreet. The shipping boxes only contain the neutral brand name of our parent company. And the same applies to the transactions in your bank account.