In the Netherlands – and actually all over the world – many men sometimes experience erection problems. They have difficulty getting their penis stiff or erect (an erection). In our country, men therefore massively turn to erection pills, because this is often the only effective aid. Or at least that is what they often think.
Fortunately, there are other ways to solve erectile problems. For example, healthy living can help: enough exercise every day, healthy eating and drinking, quitting smoking and getting enough rest are some examples of how to naturally end erectile problems.
Below you will find a nice list of possibilities to solve erectile problems naturally. Also, make sure you have enough sexual stimulation, and your erectile problems will probably improve quickly!
Let's start with one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction: obesity. Obese men are 2.5 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction. 75% of overweight men suffer from erectile dysfunction. And what about obese men (with a BMI over 25)? They are at even greater risk!
Did you know that being overweight increases the risk of erectile dysfunction much more than the natural factor of age? Age increases the risk of impotence by 'only' 36%. That is a lot less than the 2.5 times higher chance of developing erectile dysfunction with being overweight.
But why are overweight men more likely to develop erectile dysfunction?
Fat tissue secretes hormones that cause blood vessels to dilate. Being overweight leads to a drop in testosterone levels, and comorbidities - which are the basis for erectile dysfunction - are also developed. In addition, being overweight can cause a greater feeling of fatigue, which often makes you too tired to get an erection. All factors that negatively affect your sex life.
In short, by losing weight – and therefore eating and drinking healthier, you help your body to develop faster and longer erections in the future. Without using aids!
What actually goes hand in hand with dieting and losing weight is living healthier with the help of sports. Regular exercise is really good for your health. A scientific study has shown that 44% of men (under 40) who do not exercise, experience erectile dysfunction. That percentage drops to just 21% in the group of men who do exercise and move enough.
But how come men who exercise often are less likely to have erectile problems?
The most important factor is the positive influence of exercise on our cardiovascular system (the heart, blood vessels and blood). Just like healthy eating, exercise also has a great influence on your body weight.
When you exercise enough, not only your weight is top, but also your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This automatically ensures good health of your heart and arteries. And all that ensures an optimal blood flow to your penis, so that you can… get an erection!
High work pressure, arguments with your partner, financial problems ... The list of possible causes of stress is endless. One thing is important to know: everyone suffers from stress sometimes. It is completely normal. Unfortunately, it does have negative consequences in bed. Stress can cause erectile dysfunction.
How exactly stress causes erectile dysfunction is not yet completely clear or certain. Scientists and researchers assume that stress causes the smooth muscles of the male genitals to tighten, which prevents the corpora cavernosa inside the penis from opening completely. As a result, less blood can flow to your penis, which causes erectile dysfunction. Sufficient blood in the penis is namely condition number 1 for getting an erection.
Often, a psychological cause lies at the root of men's erection problems. Not only stressful situations from everyday life, but also a previous sexual failure can cause anxiety in men.
The next time you have sex, additional stress can arise from the previous failure, and a vicious circle is created. The fear, tension and stress of not getting a good erection causes or aggravates the erection problems.
As a man, this can lead to a negative spiral and create fear of failure. In addition, past traumas, depression and relationship problems can also develop or worsen erectile dysfunction.
Our tip is: try not to take your daily life and the stress that comes with it to bed. This will not only ensure better sleep, but also a more enjoyable sex life!
In 1979, the WHO (World Health Organisation) sent out a list of all known conditions for which acupuncture can be used as an effective treatment. And guess which condition is also on that list… That’s right! Impotence and premature ejaculation.
Several scientific studies show the positive effects of acupuncture on erectile dysfunction. And many practices confirm these good results.
How does acupuncture treatment for impotence and erectile dysfunction work?
During the treatment, needles are inserted into your body at carefully selected locations. And before you get an unjustified shock: those needles are so thin that you barely feel them!
In men with erectile dysfunction, needles are often placed at certain points in the back, lower abdomen, hands, feet or legs. The exact locations differ per patient. And if we can reassure you with this: during an acupuncture treatment, needles are never inserted in or near your penis. So you can keep your underwear on during the entire treatment!
Men who sleep too little have less desire for sex. It has been proven that men who do not sleep enough per night, generally have a lower libido than men who do get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
As a man, this decreased desire for sex is caused by your testosterone levels decreasing. Several scientific studies have shown clear links between erectile dysfunction and sleep deprivation.
How Does Sleep Deprivation Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Men who sleep only a few hours a night disrupt their hormone levels, such as testosterone. The latter is an important hormone that determines your desire for sex and ensures the proper functioning of your penis.
In other words: poor sleep (due to stress, for example), or too little sleep (due to a busy life) reduces the levels of testosterone in your body. And that leads to the well-known problems with erections. So try to sleep at least 7 hours every night, and discover how your erection problems decrease!
Smoking or alcohol
It has been known for many years: smoking is bad for your health. Very bad indeed. And when we talk about things that are bad for your health, we can also talk about alcohol. These 2 culprits (smoking and alcohol) have a negative effect on the functioning of your penis. Bad news for the smokers and alcohol lovers among us.
How does smoking affect your erections?
Your penis – just like the rest of your body – has blood vessels that can become clogged by smoking. And those clogged blood vessels cause impotence. That is why erectile dysfunction is more common in men who smoke.
But not only do your erections become less powerful by smoking, the quality of your semen also decreases significantly. Bad news for men who smoke and still want to have children. But there is also good news: if you stop smoking, the quality of your semen improves after a while, as does the ability to develop erections.
How does alcohol affect your erections?
You can become impotent by drinking alcohol too often. Impotence and alcohol are closely related.
After a few glasses of alcohol, the desire for sex does increase at first. This is because your inhibitions fall away when you are drunk. But for men, alcohol - just like smoking - disrupts the testosterone level (the number of hormones), and therefore lowers it.
Your ability to develop an erection decreases as a result. It can also take longer for you to ejaculate. So the message is to stop drinking and smoking. Not only your penis, but your entire body will reap the benefits!
Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises are a natural solution to erectile dysfunction. Yes, really! We are not kidding you. These exercises are just as effective for some men as, for example, Viagra.
Doing Kegel exercises as a man makes you enjoy life more, and therefore also sex. And your partner secretly benefits too. Not only do you get a better hard-on, but the quality of your semen and orgasms also improves again!
With the help of Kegel exercises you make your pelvic floor muscles firmer and stronger. These popular exercises are named after their inventor: gynecologist Arnold Kegel. In the past, Kegel exercises were mainly recommended for women who had little desire for sex. But various studies have shown that Kegel exercises also have many positive effects for men.
While performing these fun exercises, you are training your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles not only help you to keep your urine in, they also ensure that you can get erections again. Training your pelvic floor muscles with the help of kegel exercises has a positive effect on your sex life!
Talking helps. In fact, talking helps with ALL your problems. So also with your erection problems. Earlier on this page we wrote that stress can be a major cause of erectile dysfunction. Your mental state must therefore be optimal if you want to enjoy your sex life.
With the help of good therapy, you can shake off all the annoying and stressful thoughts, and you can give your body the necessary calm and rest. Because that is what it needs to develop good erections.
And no, you don't have to talk about your erectile dysfunction all the time with a therapist. You can also talk about what's going on in your head, what's stressing you out, what you're struggling with... As we've written: talking helps with ALL your problems.
But if you don't want to go to a therapist right away, or you find that a bit expensive, talk about it with a good friend, or even better: your partner. Communicating is always good.
Alternative erectile dysfunction drugs
Do the above natural solutions for erectile dysfunction not seem to work or are not feasible? Don't worry, even then there are still good solutions for you. With erectile dysfunction drugs you can safely get your penis hard again, even if you suffer from severe erectile dysfunction.
At Mr. Stiff, we know the nasty side effects that often come with medical devices to improve your sexual performance. That's why we focused on developing a good alternative that will improve your sex life WITHOUT negative effects.
After extensive research and close consultation with experts in traditional Chinese medicine, we have developed a formula that will breathe new life into your sex life. Did you know that our products are not only intended for treating erectile dysfunction, but are actually suitable for anyone who wants to give their sex life an extra boost? Thanks to the 100% natural composition of our products, they are safe for everyone to use.
Our Natural Solution for Erectile Dysfunction
When you as a man often have trouble getting an erection, we usually speak of erectile dysfunction. Nothing to be ashamed of, because this is a common sexual problem. But it can cause other sexual complications in the long term. And that is not so good news.
Fortunately, there are several solutions that can alleviate this problem in the short term. One of the most common ways to treat erectile dysfunction is the use of erectile dysfunction pills.
These pills expand your blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow to your penis. This expanded vascular system also makes it easier for blood to flow back, resulting in a longer lasting erection.
And to reassure you: an erection with the help of erection pills ultimately remains a 100% natural and harmless process. Only the inhibiting factors of your erection are temporarily reduced.