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Kamagra | Mr Stiff

Buying Kamagra online

Do you notice that you often have problems getting an erection during or prior to sexual activities? If so, erection remedies may be a good solution to your problems. The most well-known erection aids are Viagra and Kamagra. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know before you decide to order Kamagra online. Using Kamagra is not always safe. Always consult your doctor before using it. Would you still like to order this medicine? Then try our natural Kamagra alternatives first. We have already helped more than 10,000 men worldwide with their erection problems.


What is Kamagra?

Kamagra is a drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is a cheaper alternative to Viagra and is available in both tablet and oral jelly form. Kamagra is not approved for sale in the UK, so it can only be bought from unregulated websites. Whereas Pfizer has a patent on the erectile-inducing substance, Indian pharmaceutical giant Ajanta has produced a similar drug. This drug called 'Kamagra', like Viagra, also contains the substance 'Sildenafil'.


Is Kamagra legal?

No, Kamagra is currently not legally available in Europe. This is because the pills are produced in India and the pharmaceutical standards here differ too much from those in Europe. Because Kamagra is illegal, it is only available through unregulated websites.


Kamagra oral jelly

Kamagra is available as a tablet but also as oral jelly. Kamagra oral jelly is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems in men. It is a jelly form of sildenafil, a popular drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. Kamagra oral jelly is available in different flavours, making it more palatable than other oral medicines for erectile dysfunction. Kamagra oral jelly is not approved, so it is illegal to sell in the UK.

Kamagra oral jelly works by blocking the action of a chemical called PDE5, which is responsible for breaking down cGMP, a substance needed for the erection process. When PDE5 is blocked, cGMP levels rise, resulting in improved erectile function.


Is Kamagra oral jelly dangerous?

Yes, taking Kamagra jelly is not without risks. The product is not approved in Europe because the pharmaceutical standards in India are too different from those in Europe. Second, the dosage of the jelly is difficult to determine. Chances are you might accidentally ingest too much of the liquid with all its consequences.


Where can I buy Kamagra online?

In the UK, there are a number of websites where you can order Kamagra online without a prescription. These websites sell the product illegally and can face hefty fines. Still want to order Kamagra online? Then be extremely cautious which where you to ecide to order it. Many websites are purely designed to take advantage of your erectile dysfunction. Before making a purchase, always look carefully for reviews written about the company.


Is ordering Kamagra online safe?

No, ordering Kamagra online is not safe. Kamagra is a product that contains the substance 'sildenafil'. The use of sildenafil can cause serious side effects under certain circumstances. It is always advisable to discuss with your GP whether Kamagra is safe for you to use.


Why take Kamagra?

Because many men suffer from (temporary) erectile dysfunction, erection drugs are becoming increasingly popular. It is also becoming increasingly easy to obtain certain erection aids without the need for a prescription or going to the pharmacy. With just a few simple clicks, you can order a box of Kamagra or Viagra.

Kamagra is used because it increases blood flow to the penis. In short, getting an erection becomes easier. In addition, maintaining an erection is also easier after taking Kamagra.


How does Kamagra work?

Taking Kamagra enlarges the blood vessels in the penis. As the blood vessels widen, the blood supply to the penis is greater and it will therefore become stiff more easily. Kamagra only works when you are already aroused. So Kamagra does not make you become aroused. Having trouble getting aroused? Then read our blog on Spanish fly.


How long does Kamagra last?

The active ingredients in a Kamagra pill are absorbed into the bloodstream quite quickly. It often takes about 30 minutes before you start to feel the effect. With Kamagra oral jelly, absorption into the blood is just a little bit faster. After taking Kamagra, the effect will last for about 4 hours. Please note, this does not mean that you will have an erection for 4 hours. However, it does make it easier to get an erection again during these 4 hours, even if you have already had an orgasm. Many people also find it easier to get an erection the next day. This indicates that the sildenafil has not yet completely disappeared from the bloodstream. Do you have an erection for more than 3 hours? If so, this could be Priapism. In case of a prolonged (painful) erection, you should contact your doctor immediately. Priapism can cause permanent damage if not treated immediately and correctly.


Where does Kamagra come from?

The manufacturer of Kamagra is Ajanta Pharma. This is a pharmaceutical company based in Mumbai. Founded in 1979, Ajanta Pharma was originally a packaging company.

It has since grown into a company with several factories in India and Mauritius. Ajanta Pharma is one of India's fastest-growing companies and since 2016 it has been listed in India's Forbes 500.

Ajanta Pharma's products are now sold in more than 30 countries worldwide.


Does using Kamagra have any risks or side effects?

Using Kamagra can have unpleasant side effects. Sildenafil is the substance in a Kamagra pill that causes an erection to be stimulated. Sildenafil is a synthetic substance that is associated with some common side effects. We also always recommend consulting with a doctor to see if using Kamagra is safe in your situation. Some of the side effects of kamagra include:

  • Flushing (sensation of warmth in the face, ears, neck and trunk)
  • Headache
  • Stiffness
  • Nosebleeds
  • Blurred vision
  • Indigestion
  • Muscle pain
  • Stomach upset
  • Rash

If you experience long-term side effects after using Kamagra, consult a doctor immediately.


The price of Kamagra

The prices of Kamagra are different for each webshop but in general, we can say that Kamagra is a lot cheaper than Viagra. Many webshops offering Kamagra illegally try to distinguish themselves from each other based on price rather than the quality of service or product.

Below is a table showing the cost of Kamagra.

PACKAGE (100mg)



12 pills

£ 4.42

£ 52.99

20 pills

£ 4.10

£ 81.99

32 pills

£ 3.61

£ 115.47

60 pills

£ 3.20

£ 191.75

84 pills

£ 3.00

£ 251.85

120 pills

£ 2.62

£ 314.99

180 pills

£ 2.31

£ 415.99

360 pills

£ 2.22

£ 799.95


Kamagra Oral Jelly prices are:

PACKAGE (100mg)



10 bags

£ 5.97

£ 59.74

35 bags

£ 4.97

£ 149.17

70 bags

£ 3.90

£ 245.53

98 bags

£ 3.69

£ 332.47

119 bags

£ 3.33

£ 366.76



Does Kamagra also work for women?

Research has shown that Kamagra does not work for women. In a study, 3,000 women were given Kamagra and it was found that it did not stimulate sexual pleasure or desire.

However, the Indian manufacturer of Kamagra has also launched a product that does work for women. This product called 'Lovegra' is a similar product and also contains the substance sildenafil.


How do you take Kamagra?

Kamagra is a medicine that is inserted orally. The two best-known forms of Kamagra are the pill and oral jelly. In both cases, it takes about half an hour before the substance is absorbed into the bloodstream and you will notice the desired effect. If you have eaten a large meal beforehand, it may take a little longer for the drug to take effect. Never take more than 1 tablet or 1 sachet of oral jelly at a time. This increases the risk of serious and harmful side effects. Have you accidentally taken (way) too much Kamagra? Stay calm and contact your doctor. He or she can inform you about the best thing to do.


What are the differences between Kamagra and Viagra?

In both drugs, the main substance is 'Sildenafil'. Sildenafil causes the blood vessels to enlarge, allowing more blood to flow to the penis. The main differences are that Viagra is approved according to European guidelines while Kamagra is not. Kamagra is produced in India where pharmaceutical guidelines are very different from European ones.


When should you avoid using Kamagra?

Using Kamagra is not suitable if you have certain conditions affecting your health. If you have any symptoms listed below contact your GP before taking Kamagra.

Heart problems: If you have a heart condition such as: Heart attack risk, stroke risk, very high/low blood pressure or have recently undergone heart surgery, talk to your GP. He can offer more information on whether you are eligible for Kamagra. Always be honest with your GP about your situation. Using Kamagra makes your heart pump faster which can be harmful if you already have a heart condition.

Blood cell problems: If you have problems with your blood cells, you are at increased risk of priapism. Prolonged priapism can cause internal damage to the penis.

Low blood pressure: If you often suffer from low blood pressure inform your doctor. The use of Kamagra enlarges the blood vessels in the body, reducing blood pressure slightly. At the same time, if you already have naturally low blood pressure (or due to alcohol), it would be wise to look at a different erection enhancement, together with your GP.

Stomach ulcers: If you have an ulcer, kamagra may increase the risk of stomach bleeding. Make sure you inform your doctor you have an ulcer before taking this medicine.

Allergic reaction: Have you ever suffered an allergic reaction while using kamagra or alternative erection drugs? If so, consult your doctor before taking this medicine.


Kamagra experiences

Below are some experiences of kamagra users. Please note that these Kamagra pills were not sold through us. We only sell erection drugs based on herbal extracts approved according to European guidelines.

''Just got the opposite feeling. No desire, and me body totally worked against it. NOT RECOMMENDED''

"I used Kamagra for the first time bacause of a recommendation. Half a pill. To my surprise, that worked too. Headache and blushing though. Headache was gone after taking an ibuprofen."

"As a warning, I would like to advise everyone not to combine this with Poppers this can have fatal consequences."

''In addition, we would like to alert you that getting imitation can have serious consequences so watch out when buying these drugs"


Kamagra and alcohol

Kamagra is one of the most popular drugs in the field of erectile dysfunction. In many cases, alcohol or drugs are the reason for (temporary) erectile dysfunction. Alcohol can cause you to overcome anxiety but at the same time it can also cause you to have trouble getting an erection.

It is also not surprising that many men use Kamagra after a night out. By taking Kamagra, they still manage to get an erection and have a great night out. But is Kamagra safe to combine with alcohol?

In general, alcohol is safe to combine with Kamagra. Mind you, we are talking about moderate amounts here. Taking Kamagra enlarges the blood vessels, which will cause blood pressure to drop slightly. Alcohol also lowers blood pressure. So you can imagine that a large amount of Kamagra combined with a large amount of alcohol can result in dangerously low blood pressure.

Feeling sick after combining alcohol together with Kamagra? Contact a GP right away!

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